SkyGems Academy

Life skill courses for students


At SkyGems Academy, our mission is to deliver engaging and high quality blended learning programs of Life Skills courses for the new generation. We provide step-by-step mastery of the 21st century skills. The inquiry based lessons are delivered and taught online, practised and perfected offline.

SkyGems Academy vision is to build a community of new generation leaders with strong core values. A new generation with high level of self awareness, passionate and give back to the community and the environment

SkyGems Academy complements parents, educators and schools’ efforts in providing holistic learning and development programs to prepare students for their future.

At SkyGems Academy, our passion and focus is to prepare students for their future. We teach, mentor and empower students with life skills and soft skills which are essential and critical skills for them to be successful in their career development and life journey. 

Both parents and teachers need to play an active role in preparing students for the future. While having good academic results is important, it’s just not good enough without the essential life skills. Academic results and life skills go hand-in-hand in helping students to be future ready.

Life skills such as leadership, collaboration, communication, empathy, resilience, adaptability, growth mindset and financial literacy are some of the essential skills required when facing the challenges of the 21st century career landscape. 

However, it’s not always clear how to teach these critical and essential life skills that are transferable skills to any job or situation.

SkyGems Academy Life Skills Learning Methodology & Framework

 Students will go through these 4 phases of learning life skills:

  • Phase 1 – Knowledge
  • Phase 2 – Understanding
  • Phase 3 – Attitudes
  • Phase 4 – Behaviour

Students may be taught the knowledge and may have some level of understanding of some life skills. However if they do not have the right attitude towards making changes or improving themselves, their behaviour will not change. 

Action speaks louder than words. Taking action is an important step towards learning life skills. Ultimately, life skills need to be practiced, executed and refined over a period of time in order to achieve mastery.

At SkyGems Academy, to reinforce the 4 phases of learning life skills, we developed and practiced the 4R methodology in teaching, coaching and mentoring life skills. We call it the Life Skills Learning Wheel

Repeat, recap, reinforce and review – these are the 4 step-by-step processes needed for any life skills to be understood, developed, nurtured and mastered over time. 

At the center of the Life Skills Learning Wheel is Core Values. Core values are the foundation of everything that we do as a person. We start by helping students to understand themselves and find their inner core values. Their core values will keep them grounded and act as their moral compass for their life journey. 

We layer up students’ learning journey with Life Skills which form the second layer of the Life Skills Learning Wheel. Life skills are essential skills for every student to be aware, acknowledge, learn, develop and master over a period of time. These life skills are not deliberately taught in schools or at home. At SkyGems Academy, our mission is to support and complement educators, schools and parents in imparting life skills from a young age.

As students progress and accelerate in their learning and development, Career Skills is the third layer of the Life Skills Learning Wheel we focus on. Career skills are skills needed for students to be ready for the job of the future which may not exist now. 

Sustaining young people’s effort when facing big challenges and equipping them with the skill sets they’ll need to prepare for the unseen future is a significant task. SkyGems Academy makes this complex task simple with the 4R methodology and framework. We break down the complexity with a 4 step-by-step framework as the building blocks in supporting students to be equipped and empowered with life skills and be future ready. 

In order to teach Life Skills, we use the 4R Methodology.

  • Repeat
    • Concepts and understanding will be taught and shared in different ways and media for better understanding 
  • Recap 
    • Students recap learning using practical life examples, videos, podcasts, case studies to reinforce concepts
  • Reinforce
    • Practice and learn skills using tools, games, visualisation techniques, role plays, etc
  • Review 
    • Reflect on learning process
    • Identify strength and weaknesses 
    • Coaching, mentorship and guidance

The 4R Methodology will go through a “rinse and repeat” process until life skills are mastered. This process will take time and may go through many rounds of improvements and fine tuning. Coaching, mentorship and guidance are required for students to keep sharpening their life skills learning process.

Public Speaking

Speak confidently in front of your class! For A-Level students, ace your project work presentation skills!


Understand the money concepts of Earn, Save, Spend, Share, Income and Expense.
* In collaboration Fintegrity Kids Wealth Of Life & SkyGems Academy